Our peer-reviewed publications are organized by most relevant outcome. The SASH Lab at Yale focuses on three major areas: 1) substance use and mental health; 2) strengths-based approaches; and 3) sexual health. We also have published policy reports, lab reports, and policy briefs which you can find here too. Please feel free to download our work, share with your friends and colleagues! Don’t forget to cite
Substance Use and Mental health outcomes
Strengths based approaches and outcomes
Sexual Health
Policy Briefs
Substance Use and Mental health outcomes
Adolescent polysubstance use and co-occurring weapon carrying, bullying victimization, and depressive symptomology: patterns and differences in the United States. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
Relationship between suicide ideation and attempts, bully victimization, dating violence, and depressive symptoms among Black and Hispanic youth. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior.
The Association Between Racial Attitudes, Alcohol Use and Mood Disorders Among Black Adolescents. Journal of Prevention.
Assessing the Prevalence Rates of Internalizing Symptomatology Among Multiracial Adolescents in the United States: A Systematic Review. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
The Association Between Racial Attitudes, Alcohol Use and Mood Disorders Among Black Adolescents
Strong Black Women: Stress, overeating, and health disparities among a sample of Black Female College Students.
It all starts with the parents”: A qualitative study on the protective factors for drug use prevention among Black and Hispanic girls
Age of first marijuana use and its impact on education attainment and employment status
Validation of the abbreviated socio-political control scale for youth among girls of color
The role of empowerment- based protective factors on substance use among youth of color
“Bullets have no names”: A qualitative exploration of community trauma among Black and Latinx Youth
Suicide among Black children: An integrated model of the interpersonal- psychological theory of suicide and intersectionality theory for researchers & clinicians
Symptoms of distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
Coping in the time of COVID-19: Buffering stressors with coping strategies
Mental Health Burden among Black Adolescents: The Need for Better Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment Engagement
Intrapersonal Psychological Empowerment Profiles on Ethnic Identity, Social Support, and Lifetime Drug Use among Hispanic Adolescent Girls
A Spatial Analysis of Alcohol Outlet Density, Abandoned Properties and Police Call to Service on Non-Fatal Shootings and Aggravated Assaults in a Northeastern United States Urban City
Understanding Neighborhoods’ Impact on Youth Substance Use and Mental Health Outcomes in Paterson, New Jersey: Protocol for a Community-Based Participatory Research Study
Alcohol Use Cravings as a Mediator Between Associated Risk Factors on Increased Alcohol Use among Youth Adults in New York During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Effects of Brief Interventions on Internalizing Symptoms and Substance Use in Youth
Structural indicators of suicide: An exploration of state-level risk factors among Black and White people in the United States, 2015-2019. Journal of Public Mental Health
Strong Black Women: Stress, overeating, and health disparities among a sample of Black Female College Students. Journal of Black Studies
Strengths based approaches and outcomes
Power to the People: Measuring Social Media and Mass Media Impact for Promotion and Tenure in Social and Applied Sciences
“It Makes Me Feel like I Can Make a Difference”: A Qualitative Exploration of Peer Mentoring with Black and Hispanic High School Students. Youth.
Utilizing community-centered approaches to address Black maternal mortality. Health Education & Behavior.
How to protect your research ideas as a junior scientist. Nature. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-03750-0
School absenteeism and neighborhood deprivation and threat: Utilizing the Child Opportunity Index to assess for neighborhood-level disparities in Passaic County, NJ. Urban Education.
Schools’ Neighborhoods and Characteristics: Implications for Standardized Academic Achievement in Passaic, NJ’s Elementary, Middle and High Schools in Passaic County, NJ. The Urban Review.
Schools’ Neighborhoods and Characteristics: Implications for Standardized Academic Achievement in Passaic, NJ’s Elementary, Middle and High Schools
School Absenteeism and Neighborhood Deprivation and Threat: Utilizing the Child Opportunity Index to Assess for Neighborhood-Level Disparities in Passaic County, NJ
A study of neighborhood sense of community as a mediator between supportive social systems, school belongingness, and outcome behaviors among urban youth of color
A conceptual framework exploring social media, eating disorders, and body dissatisfaction among Latina adolescents
Nativity and Cardiovascular Dysregulation: Evidence from the 2001-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Parenting profiles of academic and racial socialization: Associations with academic engagement and perception of academic ability of African American adolescents
Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of the cognitive empowerment scale among African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx urban youth
The mediating role of ethnic identity and social justice orientation between community civic participation, psychological sense of community and cognitive and psychological empowerment among adolescents of color
Measuring Intrapersonal Empowerment and Ethnic Identity: Highlighting Strengths of Urban Black Girls
Psychological sense of community, community civic participation, and ethnic identity on social justice orientation and psychological empowerment between LGBQ and Non-LGBQ youth of color. LGBT Youth
The Brief Sense of Community Scale: Testing Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance by Gender among Hispanic/Latinx Youth. Journal of Community Psychology
A Latent Class Analysis of Psychological Sense of Community and Ethnic Identity among Young Adults of Color from the Southwestern United States
#BlackGirlsMatter and the Social Work Curriculum: Integrating Intersectionality within Social Work Education
Countering Educational Disparities Among Black Boys and Young Men from Pre-K to High School: A Life Course Intersectional Perspective
Testing the Factor Structure of the Brief Sense of Community Scale among Black Girls and the Relationship with Ethnic Identity, Empowerment and Social Support
Sexual Health
Learning from community-based HIV prevention to inform control and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive Medicine.
Black Adolescent Females’ Perceptions of PrEP for HIV Risk Reduction. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC).
HIV knowledge and protective factors among racial-ethnic minority youth: moderation by ethnic identity and LGBQ+ identity. Journal of LGBT Youth.
Sexual health and drug use prevention for Black girls (The Dreamer Girls Project): A protocol for an intervention development. JMIR Research Protocols.
Addressing Gendered Racism Against Black Girls Using a Strengths-Based Empowerment-Intersectional Framework for Sexual Health and Substance Use Prevention Programming. Health Promotion Practice.
Pilot-testing a Multiplayer HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Video Game Intervention for Black Adolescent Girls: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols.
Pilot Testing a Multiplayer HIV/STI Prevention Videogame Intervention for Black Adolescent Girls: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
What Happens When We Ask? A Phenomenological Focus Group on HIV Prevention and Sexual Health Education Among Emancipated Foster Care Youth.
Socioemotional factor: A missing gap in theorizing and studying Black heterosexual coupling processes and relationships
Progresses and challenges in utilizing traditional birth attendants in maternal and child health in Nigeria
The effects of school-based discrimination on adolescents of color sexual health outcomes: A social determinants approach
Examining African American parent-daughter HIV risk communication using a Black feminist-ecological lens: Implications for Intervention
Understanding the influence of sexual risk-taking, ethnic identity, and family and peer support on school importance among Hispanic adolescents
Project THANKS: Examining HIV-related barriers and facilitators to care in African American women: A community perspective
Missed opportunities for HIV prevention: Results of a qualitative study on mother-daughter communication
Sexual negotiation skills and risky behavior on sexual partnerships, HIV knowledge, and risk perception among urban youth of color: A latent class analysis
Increasing viral hepatitis knowledge among urban ethnic minority youth: Findings from a community-based prevention intervention
Commentary on Project THANKS: An HIV/AIDS education intervention
When Pandemics Call: Community-Based Research Considerations for HIV Scholars. AIDS and Behavior
Ethnic Identity, Empowerment, Social Support, and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Black Adolescent Girls: Examining Drug Use as a Mediator
Increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge among urban ethnic minority youth: Findings from a community-based prevention intervention program
Intersectional Effects of Internalized Homophobia, Gender Expression, and Sexual Orientation Concealment on Health Literacy and HIV Risk Among Sexual Minority Men of Color: A Path Analysis
Associations between Parent–Child Communication on Sexual Health and Drug Use and Use of Drugs during Sex among Urban Black Youth
Ethnic Identity as a Moderator between HIV Knowledge on Viral Hepatitis Knowledge and Psychological Antecedents among Racial-Ethnic Minority Youth
How Black Teen Girls Navigate Social Media to Form Romantic Relationships
Sociopolitical Control as a Mediator between Ethnic Identity and Social Support on 30-Day Drug Use among Black Girls
Reframing Sexual Health for Black Girls and Women in HIV/STI Prevention Work: Highlighting the Role of Identity and Interpersonal Relationships
Feeling Invisible & Unheard: A Qualitative Exploration of Gendered-Racist Stereotypes Influence on Sexual Decision Making and Mistreatment of Black Teen Girls
Role of the Intersections of Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation in the Association Between Substance Use Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections in a National Sample of Adults with Recent Criminal Legal Involvement
A systematic review on sexual health and drug use prevention interventions for Black Girls
Policy Briefs