Juan Rios is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor at Seton Hall University. He has served as the Director of the Masters of Social Work program at Seton Hall University. Prior to joining Seton Hall University, he was a part time lecturer at Rutgers University and ranked adjunct lecturer at New York University. His engaged scholarship has focused on the trauma narratives of Latinx migrant women. He has conducted research with undocumented children in the United States around the effectiveness of Mindfulness in the classroom. He has facilitated international research intervention with migrant children in schools in China and authored various publications on the positive effects of holistic interventions in the classroom. He has also served as a research fellow at the Huamin China Foundation at Rutgers University and provided trainings and lectures nationally and internationally on philanthropy, social justice, trauma, men and masculinity and mindfulness. His research has studied the traumatic effects of migration and issues surrounding masculinity and depression. Most notably, his publications on Mental Health and Policing have reached national platforms and raised important questions around wellness and safety.